Chicago is #1 in Bed Bug Infestation
Nationwide, bed bug infestation in 2012 is up 33% compared to 2011. For those of us in the Chicago area, we have good reason to be concerned, as Chicago ranked as the most infested city in the county in a recent study released by Orkin.
The bed bug problem is so bad in this area, that the Chicago City Council is considering an ordinance that would require building managers and landlords responsible for hiring licensed professionals to terminate any bedbug infestations. |

Chicago City Council passed an ordinance that will make building managers responsible for bed bug extermination ... fines could be up to $1,000 / day.
Effecitive date: December, 2013.
> click here for full ordinance |
Non-compliance of the ordinance would translate into some hefty fines … up to $1,000 a day. Condo and co-op boards would also have to prepare pest management plans. Tenants would have to notify landlords if there’s a bedbug problem.
Bed bugs are also increasing in public buildings, as reported by the National Pest Management Association (NPMA). Here are the statistics revealed in NPMA’s 2011 “Bed Bugs Without Borders” report of professionals reporting making service calls to these facilities::
- Nursing homes (46 percent, up from 25 percent)
- Office buildings (38 percent, up from 18 percent)

- Schools and day care centers (36 percent, up from 10 percent)
- Hospitals (31 percent, up from 12 percent)
- Transportation (train/bus/taxi) (18 percent up from nine percent)
- Movie theaters (17 percent, up from five percent)
> Read “Bed Bugs Wthout Borders" report |
Nearly 1 in 5 office buildings have Bed Bugs.
And Chicago is #5 in bed bug-ridden cities.
Studies show exterminators are finding bed bugs in almost 1 in 5 office buildings. This compares to less than 1% in 2007.
They are on the rise nationally, but can pose special problems in office environments. By the time they are discovered in an office, they have spread out throughout the building in search of food.
These tiny insects are brought into the workplace by frequent travelers (suitcases, briefcases, purses) or in employee gym bags.
Once in place, they can be in chair cushions, sofas, behind electrical outlets, cracks and crevices around baseboards, or even behind picture frames. If an infestation is found early enough, it can be contained in a few cubicles. But if no one keeps an eye out for them, or ignores the signs, multiple floors can quickly be effected.
Management / Human Resource Concerns
According to USA Today, a spokesperson for Rose Pest Solutions claims, 'Bedbug lawsuits are starting to grow like crazy." As an example, a FOX News Channel employee sued the building owner, management company, and other entities for negligence in controlling the infestation.
Importance of Cleaning Properly
All maintenance workers should be trained in looking for signs of bed bugs and other insect/rodent infestation.
Proper vacuuming does make a difference. Bed bug hatchlings measure less than 1 milimeter so it is important to use vacuums that have the power to capture any bugs hiding deep in carpet or upholstery, but also hold them in the vacuum bag. We use the professional Windsor series of equipment that captures an holds as small as .03 micron (that's .00003 millimeter).
The Good News ...
Bed bugs do not transmit disease.
"Bed Bugs in Office Buildings: The Ultimate Challenge?" Report by MGK Pest Mngmnt - click here
"More Offices See Bed Bug Infestations - USA TODAY - click here
Slide show on Bed Bugs from WebMD - click here
"Office Memo: Bed Bugs are Back" - FORBES - click here
"Bedbugs boost Chicago into Top 5 list" - CRAINS - click here
CLS PROFESSIONALS are trained in looking for and recognizing the signs of bed bugs in the office. We use vacuums that hold and capture even bed bug hatchlings.
Nearly 1 in 5 office buildings have Bed Bugs.
And Chicago is #5 in bed bug-ridden cities.
Studies show exterminators are finding bed bugs in almost 1 in 5 office buildings. This compares to less than 1% in 2007.
They are on the rise nationally, but can pose special problems in office environments. By the time they are discovered in an office, they have spread out throughout the building in search of food.
These tiny insects are brought into the workplace by frequent travelers (suitcases, briefcases, purses) or in employee gym bags.
Once in place, they can be in chair cushions, sofas, behind electrical outlets, cracks and crevices around baseboards, or even behind picture frames. If an infestation is found early enough, it can be contained in a few cubicles. But if no one keeps an eye out for them, or ignores the signs, multiple floors can quickly be effected.
Management / Human Resource Concerns
According to USA Today, a spokesperson for Rose Pest Solutions claims, 'Bedbug lawsuits are starting to grow like crazy." As an example, a FOX News Channel employee sued the building owner, management company, and other entities for negligence in controlling the infestation.
Importance of Cleaning Properly
All maintenance workers should be trained in looking for signs of bed bugs and other insect/rodent infestation.
Proper vacuuming does make a difference. Bed bug hatchlings measure less than 1 milimeter so it is important to use vacuums that have the power to capture any bugs hiding deep in carpet or upholstery, but also hold them in the vacuum bag. We use the professional Windsor series of equipment that captures an holds as small as .03 micron (that's .00003 millimeter).
The Good News ...
Bed bugs do not transmit disease.
"Bed Bugs in Office Buildings: The Ultimate Challenge?" Report by MGK Pest Mngmnt - click here
"More Offices See Bed Bug Infestations - USA TODAY - click here
Slide show on Bed Bugs from WebMD - click here
"Office Memo: Bed Bugs are Back" - FORBES - click here
"Bedbugs boost Chicago into Top 5 list" - CRAINS - click here
CLS PROFESSIONALS are trained in looking for and recognizing the signs of bed bugs in the office. We use vacuums that hold and capture even bed bug hatchlings.